In the hours after he learned of the arrest [Johnson] said little publicly, releasing only a perfunctory statement to the press announcing Jenkins' resignation. Lady Bird Johnson, however, knew exactly what to say. Against her husband's wishes, she issued her own statement of compassion and support for Jenkins. It was the only time she publicly defied her husband in their 39 years of marriage.
In a White House recording of a telephone conversation, Lady Bird tells Johnson that if "we don't express some support to him, we will lose the entire love and devotion of all the people who have been with us." Though he tries to dissuade her from getting involved, telling her patronizingly, "We have the best minds working on it," she refuses to budge. Finally she responds, in a voice dripping with honey and heartache: "My love, my love, I pray for you along with Walter. You're a brave, good guy, and if you read some things I said in Walter's support they'll be along the line that I just said to you." Her emotional statement, which began, "My heart is aching today for someone who has reached the end point of exhaustion in dedicated service to his country," transformed the climate surrounding the scandal. In its wake, a host of newspaper editorials recommended compassion for Jenkins.
You can read the rest of my piece here.
Sounds just like her. Thanks for sharing this
Smart lady!
She could be very easy a role model for all...
Lady Bird Johnson was a excellent woman. Good article.
She is the best.
I like this. Thanks for sharing. Greetings
Good history.
Great history. Lady Bird Johnson was a excellent woman.
Wow, looks great!
I like this. Nice!
I was definitely ambivalent about how good this film losmovies would be because of the hype, as one of the reviewers mentioned, but I found myself completely captured by the genuineness of Lady Bird, her family and her true friends in this film. The actors definitely have a lot of passion and affection for their characters and it shows. There are aspects of Lady Bird's journey that hit home even as an adult and maybe that's why it also has a special place in my heart. The tangible family friction is beautifully presented and the love that is present is heartwarming. As a person who generally doesn't cry, this movie hulu blacklist had me in tears. Literally, in tears. Great job everyone!
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